
Nursing Department

An extraordinary nursing team, that makes a ‎difference in patients’ lives, to light their paths for a ‎clear vision. A team that combines the art of caring ‎and scientific approaches, and humanitarian ‎attitudes, far from discrimination and prejudice. The ‎efficient and multi-experienced staff members work ‎with the latest equipment and the best techniques the ‎hospital provides them with to complete this ‎humanitarian mission, and in a manner befitting the ‎level of honorable cooperation between the ‎Scandinavian countries and their friend country, the ‎Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

The pharmacy

The pharmacy provides daily medications for ‎admitted patients, and periodically checks any ‎shortage of medicine, and prepares them according ‎to the schedules of each patient’s medications, ‎through an electronic prescription that is linked to a ‎modern electronic paperless system.

The pharmacy staff also provides pharmaceutical ‎care services to patients admitted to the hospital, in ‎addition to patients in other units, where intravenous ‎medications are prepared by pharmacists in the ‎sterile preparation room which ensures that the ‎medications are not exposed to any contamination.‎

Moreover, the hospital can import medicines that are ‎not available in Jordan, from abroad. The goal of this ‎service is to provide patients in the Jordan Finland ‎Modern Hospital with the latest treatments for various ‎diseases. And we are proud of our relationship with ‎the Scandinavian countries with which we have a ‎strong bond based on the foundations of mutual ‎cooperation.‎

The laboratory

The laboratory department at the Jordan Finland ‎Modern Hospital is distinguished by the accuracy of ‎the laboratory results, having the latest and most ‎efficient types of laboratory equipment, in addition to ‎our commitment in delivering the results as soon as ‎possible.‎

We strive to maintain the highest national and ‎international standards in quality, in addition to public ‎and occupational safety. And since we are still at the ‎beginning stage, we look forward to obtaining the ‎highest accreditations in a way that upgrades us, and ‎the professionalism of the laboratory.‎

We have a team of laboratory technicians and ‎supervisors who have long experiences in this field, ‎ensuring speed, accuracy and high professionalism ‎in the integrity of the results.‎

We receive all types of medical examinations from all ‎sections of the laboratory (biochemistry - blood ‎diseases - immunity and serology - hormones - ‎microorganisms and all routine checks). We also ‎have contracts with several well-known medical ‎laboratories to send samples that need to be tested in ‎specialized area, or examinations that are not ‎available in our institution, to ensure the comfort of ‎our patients.‎


The hospital's sterilization department is equipped ‎with the newest sterilization devices, the first in ‎Jordan, and is managed by qualified, expert and ‎knowledgeable staff members, who are familiar with ‎all the new changes in this field, which is one of the ‎essential pillars in providing reliable medical services. ‎Our goal is to raise the level of sterilization services to ‎comply with the technical development worldwide, ‎enabling us to implement a comprehensive quality ‎system and to qualify the department to obtain a ‎certificate of compliance with the quality control ‎systems ISO.‎

It is worth mentioning that we use an intelligent ‎electronic system that facilitates the follow up ‎management and sterilization of surgical tools and ‎medical equipment before and after each procedure ‎in our leading hospital, which places safety and ‎health of patients and everyone as the first priority in ‎support of efforts by other health institutions to control ‎infection and limit its spread in a practical and ‎efficient way.‎

Telephone: +962 6 565 5050‎ ‏ ‏‎ +962 79 665 5661 ‎ Email Address:

Call us, and we will meet with your expectations ... Call us for a free medical consultation ... Call us to check on your health situation.‎